Friday, May 29, 2009

Just one week left to the June vacation.
Cant wait, cant wait, cant wait!
There are like so so so many things that I wanna do do do!
*Skips around like a magical pigsy pixie*
Like shopping (needless to say, im a girl with raging hormones)
Spending quality time with my buds and debbie yeo
Eating all the good food
Picnic-cum-cycling day at East Coast
Attempt at creating my own blogskin (!)
Rewatching "Fated To Love You" and cry like my dog just died when I dont even have one
And... and... and...
It's gonna be a great great great holiday -day -day!
O.K, im talking like some Okto host hahahahahaha.

However, being a young rising star (hears alot of false coughing and clearing of throats),
I have tons of other serious responsibilties.
Things that I am obliged to do (Notice that my enthusiasm has dipped tremedously)
Studying for the mid-semester tests, packing my wardrobe, re-organizing study area etc.
(Compare the 2 lists hahahahahaha, pathetic one-liner :D)

I have already begun to create a checklist lololololol.
I hope I wont waste away this precious holiday.
Although there's an extremely, dangerously high chance of me couch-potatoing at home dang it!
Well, the knowledge of tests at the end of the holiday should be able to help me keep to my schedule, i hope hahahahahahaha.

Makes mental note: Make a pretty collage for *****
P/S: It's not a guy okay. No guy's worth my effort yet hahahahahaha.
